Introductory walk-through

Step 1: Creating a New Role

To create a new role, click on the "New role +" button on the right side of the top navigation bar.

Step 2: Adding Role Details

Step 3: Required Fields

  • There are two mandatory fields for submitting a role:
  • Ensure you fill in these sections to proceed.

Step 4: Submitting the Role

  • If you already have credits, you're ready to submit the role.
  • If you don't have any credits available, you can find purchase instructions here
  • Click the "Submit" button.

Step 5: Receiving the First Batch of Candidates

  • Your results will undergo a targeted search process based on your role requirements.
  • Expect an email from us with your first batch of candidate results within two business days.
  • Our Client Success Representative will confirm with you if the candidates meet your expectations.
  • If they do, we will proceed with a more comprehensive search based on this initial list.
  • If not, we will adjust our search based on your feedback before progressing to a comprehensive search.

Step 6: Receiving Results

  • Once all candidates are prepared, our Client Success Representative will notify you that they are ready for your review.
  • Unlimited revisions are available for 30 days.

>> See how to manage candidates here.

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