Managing Candidates

Once your candidates are ready, you can easily view candidate details and shortlist those who are the best fit.

There are two options to approve or reject a candidate: one-by-one or in bulk via the three-dot menu next to the candidate count.

  • One-by-one: Choose the candidate profile and then click the thumbs-up sign👍 to Approve while clicking👎if Not a Good Fit.

  • Bulk Action: Select the approved candidates in the Ready to Review section on the sidebar by clicking on their initials, then click on the ellipsis on the upper right to see options. Choose ✅Approved.

Each "Approved" and "Not a good fit" action moves the candidate(s) to the corresponding category. You can access those sub-sections of your pipeline in the left sidebar.

If you decide to reconsider a candidate, you can always move them back to "Ready to Review."

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