v0.0.31 | 10-18-2023

Features & Enhancements:

  1. Categorization of Candidates: We've introduced a new feature where you can now categorize candidates into "Replied" and "Unresponsive" buckets.
  2. Real-time Updates: When a candidate responds to a campaign, the "Replied" bucket's message count increases, and the notification badge updates accordingly.
  3. Enhanced Candidate Timeline: Users can now expand message events within the candidate timeline, making it easier to track interactions.
  4. Candidate Interest Marking: You can now mark a candidate's interest directly from the timeline when they reply.
  5. Campaign Tracking: We've added "Campaign Ended" as an event on the candidate timeline for better campaign tracking.
  6. Immediate Campaign Launch: Configure the first stage of a campaign to be sent out immediately.
  7. Template Support: Users can utilize templates for various campaign stages when building outreach campaigns.
  8. Attachment Support: Attach PDF, DOC, and TXT files to campaign stages for added flexibility.
  9. Alternate Email Outreach: The system will send outreach from an email address verified through Nylas, allowing users to send outreach from an email address other than the one they registered with.

Under the Hood:

  1. Sentry Issue Resolution: We fixed the Sentry issue related to nil candidacy tags.
  2. Firebase Auth Removal: Removed Firebase authentication code to enhance system performance.
  3. Avo Upgrade: Upgraded Avo to resolve a bug with ViewComponent 3.x.
  4. Infinite Credits Flag: Added the "infinite_credits" flag to Tenant for better credit management.
  5. Message Job Renaming: Renamed the job to "SyncMessageJob" and set it to run on "message.updated" Nylas events.
  6. Candidate State Update: Updated candidacy v2_state when contacted and adjusted bucket scope accordingly.
  7. Component Naming: Renamed event timeline components to align with the new style guides for consistency.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Layout Redesign: Redesigned the split layout and addressed minor UI bugs for a smoother user experience.
  2. Candidacy Action Fix: Fixed the "candidacy-action" issue and restructured our Event system to use jobs.
  3. Campaign Name Update: Resolved the issue preventing updating a campaign's name.
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