v0.0.28 | 09-19-2023

Key Features and Enhancements:

  • Each candidate has an activity timeline that reflects their journey through the recruiting funnel.
  • A user can "approve" a candidate into an outreach campaign.
  • Users can add a new outreach campaign to a role.
  • Users are alerted when they have no verified email addresses for sending outreach.
  • Outreach campaigns now use the user's set timezone during Outreach scheduling.
  • We've temporarily hidden the inline file attachment button on the Trix editor in the campaign and template editors.
  • We updated the "response rate" calculation from total responses / total messages in a campaign to total responses / total candidates added in a campaign.

Under the hood:

  • We fixed Turboframe incompatibility issues so that the candidate timeline is consistently visible across browser environments.
  • We deleted Helm and related scripts. Hopefully, you didn't notice.
  • We added a login event to registrations/password changes for better data analytics.
  • We added a database replica for Bashdash.
  • We swapped our staging environment over to our new GCP account.
  • Fix CheckoutJob webhook connecting Stripe to IQRecruit.
  • If it's a fulfillment role, we now add the v2 summary to the corresponding v1 modal.
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