v0.0.24 | 08-14-2023

Key Features and Enhancements:

  1. Streamlined Outreach:
    1. We have revamped our existing outreach features to prepare for future iterations.
  2. Enhanced Event Tracking:
    1. All events sent to Customer.io are now automatically synced to Posthog as well. 
  3. Improved Response Formatting:
    1. We've enhanced the presentation of People Data Labs (PDL) responses by applying title-case formatting, ensuring a professional and polished candidate profile.
  4. Enhanced Location Management:
    1. Our latest update includes a location fix that accurately represents candidate and job locations.
  5. Dashboard Customization:
    1. We have removed a sticky alert from the dashboard.
  6. Posthog Event Hotfix:
    1. We've addressed an issue related to missing Posthog events. Posthog tracks and captures all necessary events with this hotfix, providing comprehensive insights into user interactions.
  7. Price Caching for Stripe Integration:
    1. We've implemented a caching mechanism to optimize performance that stores Stripe prices based on product offerings. This update ensures quicker loading times and smoother pricing calculations.
  8. Candidate Spotlight Behavior:
    1. To reduce the number of clicks in the approval flow, we updated the behavior to spotlight the topmost visible candidate first.
    2. Our system updates the spotlight on the next candidate when one is approved. If multiple candidates are approved, the system prioritizes the topmost candidate.
  9. Bug Fixes:
    1. We addressed minor bugs and glitches to enhance software stability and user experience.
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