v0.0.21 | 07-25-2023

New Features:

  • Password Change Button Disablement:
    • Modified the "Change Password" button behavior to disable it until the new passwords match, preventing potential password mismatch issues during the password change process.
  • "Move to In Review" Button:
    • Added a new "Move to In Review" button to the single candidate dropdown, enabling users to efficiently move candidates to the "In Review" stage with a single click.


  • Aesthetic Tweaks Based on Investor Feedback:
    • Incorporated minor, aesthetic tweaks throughout the application, addressing feedback from investors and enhancing the overall visual appeal.
  • "In Review" Icon Change:
    • Updated the icon representing the "In Review" stage, providing a more distinct and recognizable visual representation.


  • Onboarding Routes Placement:
    • Moved former onboarding routes into an unauthenticated block, ensuring that these routes are only accessible to unauthenticated users, improving security and access control.
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