v0.0.17 | 07-10-2023

New Features:

  • Logo Redirects Home:
    • Clicking on the logo now redirects users to the homepage, providing an intuitive way to navigate back to the main page from anywhere in the application.
  • Copy Updates in the Intake Flow:
    • Updated and improved the copy throughout the intake flow, ensuring clearer instructions and a more user-friendly user experience during the role creation process.
  • Support Buttons Linked to Mailto:
    • All support buttons in the application have been linked to mailto:help@iqrecruit.com, allowing users to contact support for assistance and inquiries easily.
  • Updated Seniority Picker in Intake Flow:
    • Introduced an updated seniority picker in the intake flow, enhancing the user interface and making it simpler for users to select the appropriate seniority level for the role.
  • Role Summary After Submission:
    • After submitting a role, users are presented with a summary page, providing a quick overview of the submitted role's details for confirmation.
  • Shrinking the Size of the Bird Graphic:
    • Reduced the size of the bird graphic to improve page loading times and optimize the user interface.
  • Flexbox for Button Groups:
    • Replaced the button groups' layout from grid to flexbox, resulting in a more responsive and adaptable design for button elements.
  • Hidden Placeholder Buttons on Roles Page:

    • Placeholder buttons on the roles page have been hidden, preventing confusion and ensuring a more polished user interface.
  • Candidate Search bar:

    • Added a candidate search bar to facilitate easy searching and identification of candidates based on various criteria.
  • Force Unauthenticated Users to log in for the "Role Summary" Page:

    • Users must now log in or authenticate before proceeding to the "Role Summary" page, ensuring data security and access control.
  • Skills Requirement for Role Purchase:

    • Users must now add specific skills to purchase a role, ensuring better alignment of candidates with role requirements.
  • Ranking Top 3 Factors:

    • Users can now rank the top 3 most important factors when evaluating candidates, offering more personalized candidate assessments.


  • Customer-io Message Data:
    • Updated and improved the message data for customer interactions in Customer.io, enhancing communication and user engagement effectiveness.
  • Phone Number Unreliability Warning:
    • Introduced a warning message to inform users about the potential unreliability of phone numbers in the system, ensuring users are aware of possible issues with this contact information.


  • Production on Cloud Run:
    • The application has been deployed and is now running in a production environment on Cloud Run, providing a scalable and efficient platform for serving users.
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