v0.0.16 | 06-30-2023

New features:

  1. Candidate management:
    • Users can accept or reject a single candidate.
    • Users can accept or reject multiple candidates simultaneously, saving time and effort during candidate review.
    • We built a dropdown menu feature, allowing users to approve, reject, and export candidates from the menu in addition to the candidate profile view.
    • We added the ability to filter candidacies based on their current state, providing our users (you!) visibility and organization of candidate data.
  2. Candidate export:
    • We introduced the ability to export a single candidate's data to Excel or CSV format.
    • Users can export data for multiple candidates simultaneously.
    • We added the ability to export data to a Greenhouse-formatted Excel file, improving compatibility and facilitating seamless data transfer between systems.
  3. Role submission:
    • We added a feature to specify the target and excluded industries in the intake form.
    • We added a role submission modal, providing a more user-friendly and streamlined interface for submitting roles.
    • We integrated Stripe for secure payment processing and management of pricing plans.
  4. Role fulfillment:
    • Our team can create fulfillment requisitions, allowing us to fulfill customer submissions directly.
    • We have added a Slack notification feature that sends a notification when a role is submitted, expediting the fulfillment process.


  1. Intake process:
    • There were several text changes and improvements.
    • We updated the location format for consistency across the platform.
    • We removed the skip button from the user interface, improving clarity and guiding users through the necessary steps.
    • We refined the role summary page, giving users an overview of role details.
    • Users can utilize existing credits during the checkout process.
  2. Role management:
    • We reformatted the employment history in candidate profiles. This change provides a more organized presentation of the candidate's work experience.
    • Users must select a format before initiating the export process.
  3. Role fulfillment:
    • We adjusted the Slack notification feature to optimize communications on our side.
    • We enhanced the fulfillment export feature to export data to your roles.

Bug Fixes:

  • We resolved an issue with formatting current employment information in candidate profiles.
  • We fixed form autosaving, ensuring that data is properly saved and preserved during editing.
  • Candidates are now consistently visible and updated in real time.


  • We leveraged Terraform for the management and provisioning of our infrastructure. This enhancement ensures more efficient deployment and scalability of our software tool.
  • We reconfigured and improved some of our custom web components.
  • We integrated a Vue sidebar component.
  • The "Person Portal" is a backend feature that houses candidate information.
  • We created an idempotent seeds file, ensuring consistent and reliable data seeding during the application's initialization process.
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