v0.0.10 | 04-27-2023

New Features:

  • Upgraded to Sidekiq 7:
    • Upgraded the application to Sidekiq 7, offering improved performance and reliability for background jobs and task processing. This upgrade enhances the overall efficiency of the application's background processes.
  • Skills and Company Search in Role Creation Intake Form:
    • Added skills and company search functionality to the role creation intake form, making it easier for users to find and select relevant skills and companies while creating roles. This enhancement streamlines the role creation process and ensures accurate data entry.
  • User Outreach Functionality:
    • Introduced user outreach functionality, enabling users to initiate outreach efforts directly from the application.
  • Scaffolded Email Management Index Page:
    • Implemented a scaffolded email management index page, giving users a centralized location to manage and monitor their email-related activities. This enhancement simplifies email management and organization.
  • Email Address Verification through Nylas:
    • Users can now verify their email addresses through Nylas, an email management service. This addition enhances email security and ensures that user communication remains reliable and protected.
  • Unique Email Signatures:
    • Users now have the ability to create, edit, and delete unique signatures for their emails. This feature allows for personalized and professional email communication.


  • Skills and Certifications Tags Lookup:
    • Improved the skills and certifications tags lookup, optimizing the process for faster and more accurate tag suggestions. This improvement enhances the user experience while selecting tags.
  • Posthog Functionality Enhancement:
    • Enhanced the functionality of Posthog by optimizing its interaction with Turbo and page loads. This improvement prevents duplicate initializations and max call stack errors, ensuring seamless analytics tracking and reducing potential issues.
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