v0.0.9 | 04-12-2023

New Features:

  • File Type and Size Validation:
    • Implemented file type and size validation, ensuring that users can only upload files of supported formats and within specified size limits. This enhancement prevents issues with unsupported files and improves data integrity.
  • Intake Autosave Functionality:
    • Introduced autosave functionality for the intake process, automatically saving progress during the intake form completion. This feature ensures that users' input is continuously saved, reducing the risk of data loss and offering a seamless user experience.
  • "Act as a Tenant" Feature:
    • Implemented the "Act as a Tenant" functionality, enabling administrators to access and interact with the application as a specific tenant. This feature streamlines administrative tasks and provides a more personalized experience.
  • V2 Google OAuth Support:
    • Added support for version 2 of Google OAuth, allowing users to log in and authenticate using their Google accounts. This update ensures compatibility with the latest Google authentication protocols.
  • Posthog Integration for User Identification:
    • Integrated Posthog to track and identify user interactions within the application. This integration enhances analytics capabilities, enabling better user behavior and preferences insights.
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