v0.0.8 | 04-04-2023

New Features:

  • V2 Details & Requirements Intake Form:
    • Upgraded the intake form to version 2, now allowing the capture of additional details and requirements during role creation, resulting in a more comprehensive and informative intake process.
  • FontAwesome Integration:
    • Replaced all HeroIcons across the application with FontAwesome icons, ensuring a consistent and unified icon set, and providing a better visual experience for users.
  • V2 Companies Intake Form Field:
    • Streamlines the company selection process when creating roles.
  • V2 Final Details Intake Form Field:
    • Added version 2 of the final details intake form field, enabling users to review and confirm the requisition details before submission, minimizing errors and enhancing accuracy.
  • V2 Role Header:
    • Implemented a new version of the role header, providing users with quick and easy access to their requisition-related information.
  • V2 Index Roles:
    • Introduced an improved version of the roles index, enhancing performance and user experience while managing and navigating roles.
  • V2 Requisition Search Bar:
    • Added version 2 of the requisition search bar, allowing users to search for specific roles, enhancing usability and accessibility efficiently.
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